Use Case 7: Sales Support

Use Case 7: Sales Support


A European tech company specializing in embedded engineering is entering the U.S. market but lacks a local sales team. They need experienced sales professionals who can represent them, generate leads, and close deals in the region. Hiring a full-time sales team is expensive and time-consuming, so they look for outsourced sales support.

GETA’s Role:

GETA offers the Executive Partnership model, where GETA provides the company with a dedicated sales crew. This includes:

  • Sales Representatives: A team of seasoned sales professionals who know the U.S. market and can immediately start generating leads.
  • Market Strategy: GETA helps the company develop a tailored market-entry strategy, identifying key industries and companies to target.
  • Executive Partnership: The company opts for GETA’s highest-tier sales service, giving them access to a dedicated sales partner (such as yourself, Milan) to represent them in key client meetings, industry events, and high-level deal negotiations.


The tech company quickly gains traction in the U.S. market without the overhead of hiring an in-house team. They benefit from the on-the-ground sales support provided by GETA, securing new clients and successfully expanding their operations in the U.S. The partnership evolves, with GETA continuing to provide support through strategic sales efforts, eventually leading to a sustainable presence in the new market.

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