Use Case 5: Opening Development Centers

Use Case 5: Opening Development Centers


A U.S. tech company specializing in IoT and smart home technology wants to scale its operations by opening a development center in Eastern Europe. They aim to start by outsourcing development work but plan to eventually establish a fully operational entity in the region under the BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) model.

GETA’s Role:

GETA facilitates the BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) process by connecting the U.S. company with local firms to support each phase:

  • Build: GETA helps the U.S. company build the team by hiring local engineers and project managers who work as an outsourced team initially.
  • Operate: The local partner operates the project, managing the team under their own legal entity, and ensuring the project’s success while the team remains employed by the local company.
  • Transfer: Once the project reaches maturity, GETA supports the U.S. company in fully transferring operations, including establishing the legal entity, setting up office space, and hiring the team directly under the U.S. company’s ownership.


The U.S. company begins by outsourcing to a local engineering team, managed by a local partner. Over time, they establish their own fully operational development center, complete with office space, legal structure, and administrative support. Through GETA’s network, the company experiences a smooth transition from outsourcing to full ownership of the operations and the local team, allowing for scalable and efficient growth.

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